Halloween fun and warmth!


This is the time of year when we have endless fun making costumes, attending parties, etc. 

What I would like to recommend is a hat perfect for Halloween. I would like to recommend a cute and fun brand of animal motifs hats made by deLux, a Canadian hat manufacturer.

I am pleased to present the products of "knitwits", a brand of animal motifs hats manufactured by "deLux", a Canadian hat manufacturer that is cute and fun.


Product Lineup


Monkey Series


The original monkey series with a unique look. Not only does it look cute, but the inside is made of fleece fabric to keep You warm and dry in the cold season!


Animal Series

Original Animal Series with various animal motifs

Do you have a hard time deciding which animal to choose?

Knit hats and mittens are sold individually.

They are not sold as a set.


Parent-child coordination is also available!


Halloween is a great opportunity for parents and children to have fun together. Knitwits' animal motifs hats are perfect for parents and children to enjoy matching outfits. Wearing such a cute hat is also a great way to create fun memories together.


A matching set of items elaborated for mothers and children, for couples to look audacious, to express your individuality at parties and during events, to make you the center of attention while skiing, etc.  There are endless ways to have fun regardless of your age or gender!


Please try "knitwits" made by hand by craftsmen in Nepal with the use of carefully selected high quality wool from New Zealand to feel "warmth" and "commitment".